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The HOUSE system provides an opportunity for students and teachers to communicate with each other. Students should take this opportunity to learn team spirit, share their experiences and knowledge with others, and develop the sense of belonging to our school.


The HOUSES are Chambers, Morrison, Taylor and Williams. Each House is made up of teachers and students from different year groups and classes. All students in our school are assigned to different Houses and are encouraged to participate in activities and competitions for their House. Students are not allowed to change their House during their study in SWYHKCS.

Chambers House (Blue)

Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) 

He was a prominent early twentieth century Scottish Protestant Christian minister and teacher, best known as the author of the widely-read devotional “My Utmost for His Highest”. He also worked as a YMCA Chaplain during WWI.

Williams House (Red)

George Williams (1821-1905)

He was the founder of YMCA. As a young man, he described himself as a "careless, thoughtless, godless, swearing young fellow," but eventually became a devout Christian. Williams was knighted in 1894 by Queen Victoria.

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Taylor House (Yellow)

J. Hudson Taylor (1832-1905)

He was an English missionary to China. Founded the China Inland Mission which at his death included 205 mission stations with over 800 missionaries, and 125,000 Chinese Christians.

Morrison House (Purple)

Robert Morrison (1782-1834)

He was a Presbyterian minister, translator, and the London Missionary Society’s first missionary   to China. He began his work in Macau and is considered the father of Protestant mission work there.



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Address: 5 Kwong Lee Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon

Tel: 2361 3383

©2023 by San Wui Commercial Society YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School.

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