Catherine Chan
BA Hons, PGDE, M.Ed.
Mrs. Catherine Chan (better known as Ms. Cathy) was born and raised in Hong Kong. As an alumna of an elite girls’ school, Diocesan Girls’ School (DGS), Mrs. Chan places high values in academic excellence, discipline and Christian growth. After graduating from DGS, Mrs. Chan pursued professional training as a translator/interpreter at The University of Hong Kong, majoring in Translation and Interpretation, and minoring in French. Her passion for learning different languages and cultures led her to receiving multiple university scholarships, allowing her to further her studies in different countries, including France, Italy and Canada. Upon returning to Hong Kong, Mrs. Chan found that her passion was more in line with education than translation/interpretation. She then further equipped herself in teaching and learning by obtaining a Master in Education, majoring Teaching Second Languages, from University of Southern Queensland, Australia and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, majoring in Early Childhood Education, from The University of Hong Kong.
Besides building on her teaching qualifications and experience, she spends a great deal of her time studying the Bible regularly together with other Christians. She has been a church member of St. Andrew’s Church Kowloon since 1997 and has been a committed Bible study group leader since 2001. She finds joy in exploring answers to questions about faith and engaging in interfaith dialogues.
Mrs. Chan has spent most of her working life at the YMCA of Hong Kong. She first joined the YMCA of Hong Kong Christian International Kindergarten [CIKG] in 2004 as a Kindergarten Teacher. After taking time off from work for her two daughters from 2007 to 2012, she returned to work full time as Deputy Principal of YMCA of Hong Kong Christian International Kindergarten (West Kowloon) [CIKGWK]. In 2015, she was appointed as Principal, and in 2018 she was also appointed as Principal for CIKG as her role expanded. In 2021, with the new title, “Chief Principal of Kindergartens and Nurseries of YMCA of Hong Kong”, she began overseeing all four kindergartens of the YMCA of Hong Kong as Principal and School Supervisor. Apart from working in education, she is also heavily involved in Christian Outreach activities at the organization, sharing the Christian gospel through different channels. Mrs. Chan firmly believes that God has guided her and expanded her horizons throughout her career and has brought her to where she is today. (1 Chronicles 4:10)
In March 2022, Mrs. Chan was appointed by SWYHKCS’s School Management Committee as ‘Vice Principal’ for Christian School, and subsequently, Acting Principal in September 2022 and Principal in September 2023. She is delighted to be part of the Christian School. It warms her heart to meet many of her beloved kindergarten graduates and parents again at the Christian School and she is thrilled to get to know many wonderful new students and parents too. With God’s faithfulness and guidance, Mrs. Chan is confident that Christian School will go from strength to strength in the years to come, to be the caring and learning community God has called it to be.